The dwarven city of Kuglutuk is built in old dwarven mines. The dwarves have never stopped mining and the city expands ever deeper as the years pass. But now something stirs in the mines, beyond the underground lake that the dwarves have yet to cross...

I'm working on this for my D&D game; the PCs are currently in Kuglutuk and will need to do quite the favor for Chief Darkhorn if they want to get access to his vault. Lucky for the PCs, the Chief needs their help dispatching a wyrmling that the deep mining crew recently discovered. I decided to do this one as a side map, since I haven't really tackled one yet.
This is also my first attempt at using crosshatching.

I need to add an exit from the lair (it'll probably be from down below and lead to the Deep). I'm also planning to add some mining carts and such, plus some treasure in the lair. Other suggestions or critiques?

Wyrmlings Lair (sm).jpg