Generator output:


So here I go again! This time I'm actually putting up my first post before I've really done much to flesh out the setting of the map, but then there's free details in the prompt. I didn't change any of the numbers - they seem like they'll be interesting enough for me as is (although I'm not quite so sure I'll still like the idea 224 castles later... but we'll see).

The Theocracy of Forline, as I see it, is a theocratic (surprise!) state that succeeded a previous substantial kingdom in what is now its territory, the Kingdom of Valle. Forline is also somewhat monarchic; its ruling council of religious leaders is headed by the current head of the divine royal bloodline, who has a preeminent place in the state religion, the 'Fivefold Way'. Its heartland lies between two mountain ranges in a wide basin, although its current extent goes beyond the eastern range. On the other side of the western range is a coastal region occupied by Breccenlan ('Brecken-lan'), a kingdom also descended from Valle but recalcitrantly heathen. Relations between Forline and Breccenlan are generally rather rocky at any given point in time (and that's when they aren't fighting).

A starting map can be seen below:

### Latest WIP ###

The yellow area is a for-now color mainly for those interested in checking my work, as it indicates the extent of Forline (the border lines where they follow mountain ranges may be elided in my final map for the sake of looking nice). I assign 6.29 pixels to a mile linearly, which means that there are 39.66 pixels in a square mile. By my calculations this gives a result very close (-12 sq. mi) to the generator size of 101,000 square miles of area.

I'm experimenting in working in a higher resolution in hopes of having finer linework, so tips in that regard would be appreciated (although for my mountains at least for this map I've been going with a more calligraphic style). My past maps where sections have been hand-drawn with outlines have always had very bold, almost cartoon-like outlines and while there's nothing wrong with that I'd like to be able to do something a little less obtrusive. Naturally what do I do but a bold calligraphic style , so it might not be the most applicable immediately but I'm hoping to have some more fine-detailed things on the markers I'll use for cities, towns, castles and so on.