My third district yay! The name is a contraction of Aru and jille, which means in Dravidian languages: district 6.
I plan to do something different compared to the 2 previous ones.
It will be something like my Nine Kingdoms (pixel art) but top down and more detailed :
I've included a sample of a regular house from district 20 (Northern Gate) to compare the size.

Arjille 1.jpg

I already have most of the elements in place style-wise.
It is one of the smallest district of the city.
It is pretty rich, with no markets but several shoppes.

Prominent features:
1 tower : not too high but still
1 small temple
1 manor or more with garden
a few large houses for rich people
a steep cliff, I think it's 50 m high but I'm not sure
2 holes in the cliff, holes can be a touristic attraction
possibly a waterfront area/plaza/promenade, the rock is not solid enough to place buildings on.
another plaza in the north to complete the existing one from White Hill.

And that's it, I don't have a specific vision for the district outside these things.