A while ago, I did a bunch of maps for the Moonscar module. One of my favorites of the batch was the dark, spooky lake surrounded by demonic forest and underbrush.

Sadly, I never got to use it! My player bypassed that entire area.

Ah, but soon my player will come to a terrestrial lake with a more normal environment. So rather than start all over, I pulled out my moon lake, added some grass and some rocks and cattails and a bunch of color adjustments, and here it is, with and without grid:



The grid is 100px to the five-foot square. The rocks, cattails, trees and underbrush came from the Dundjinni forums (though they've been modded a bit). The textures are all from cgtextures, except for the wonderful water texture which came from a CertainRandomGuy's imgur album of water textures. Seriously, check those out, they're awesome.