So this is a fantasy map I am working on for an upcoming D&D campaign. I decided to start with tectonics for this map because I felt that it would give me a better ground to build off of and make the world look a bit more realistically designed. Charerg's GPlates tutorial was a big help with this part, and I really recommend checking it out. I started out with a supercontinent breaking apart around 200 Mya and went forward from there, with some of the continents moving off to more distant areas and some of them ending up colliding (I'm aware the collision of the three continents in the center is probably a bit... strange, but after a month or two of playing around with ideas this ended up being the most realistic way I could get the kind of mountains I wanted in the main continent).

200 Mya
150 Mya
100 Mya
50 Mya
Present Day

The velocity map is a bit of a mess, but I'm really not overly concerned with it, to be honest.

Present Day - velocity
image_1.00Ma (velocity).png

And here I've got my coastlines down (which I might revise a bit in places, I've been considering adding more islands somewhere) and some rough mountain placement.

Present Day - coastlines + mountain layout

Please let me know what you think, or if you think something looks a bit too strange and might need to be revised some more. I'll be working on the elevation map once I've got this to a place I'm happy with.