Yay, I'm finally taking a shot at this! Better late than never, yeah?

Kacey graciously allowed me to adopt the plot of land that was originally supposed to be hers, due to not having the time to finish her project. So you can just call me Kell the Conqueror as I claim this fine isle in my name!

Nothing really going on here at the moment, I just wanted to put out a rough sketch to set things in motion. I'm temporarily without my Cintiq here at home (it's at the office where I'm interning), so my mapping capabilities are very limited, but I'll do what I can. I tried to stay close to J's original outlines for the most part, but I felt the East coast was a little too neat so I ended up breaking it up a little. I hope this is okay?

### Latest WIP ###

I'm not clear on what I want to do with this place world-building wise, but on the top of my head I'm thinking high mountains in the eastern areas and maybe some tundra and dormant volcanoes on the lower parts... Not sure quite yet.