I started this map a good while back. I think it was posted as a sketch on IG...
https://www.instagram.com/p/BjD9ai-hoVI/ that's one really nice feature of IG, easily scrollable way to find stuff.
Not sure if you can see an Instagram post if you don't have IG.
I still need to work out a larger map of this region, as well as a world map.
Or at least a larger region map. I have a terrible rough sketch but it's nowhere near accurate.

This map shows the region of southern Lagura and Nikuris, out in the lands of the Far Coast of Nhyn.

The mountains of central Lagura sweep down to form a natural barrier for the region of Nikuris,
an old land fogged in quiet mystery. It's people keep to themselves and are not much accepting
of outsiders. They are a people of rivers and mountains, with stories of water and stone.

The area of southern Lagura has only recently been subdued from the earlier peoples
of that region. New names have been enforced, though less and less as one ranges deeper into the territory;
further up the rivers, place names reflect the old tongue.

I'm sure there will be more information about this area, but time is strained just now.
You can see central Lagura on this map of the Far Coast - Alknoar and the Far Coast
And all of the Nhyn content is here - https://www.deviantart.com/sirinkman...-World-of-Nhyn

Hope everyone is having a great holiday season.
Even you all south of the equator. Cheers, J

Southern Lagura by jstevenson.jpg