hello there!

Nice falconius gave me a potentially funny commission, here it is:


I'd like a map of the undercroft or underbelly of a floating island, or region, or city/town your choice. Down in this undercroft are the forgotten, the unwanted, and those who hide. At the same time down here there are also mechanisms vital to the floating nature of the place, that need to be maintained and cared for. Those who oversee this essential task are known as Thurmatages, they can be a guild, an official service, or just eccentric loners, again your choice these are merely suggestions, with the title of your choice as long as it includes “Thurmatage”. Whatever they are, they have become obsessed with their tasks and have formed a symbiosis with the powers and benefits they receive in its performance whatever those may be.

Included in this map must be
-some of the mechanisms
-at least a rough indication of the ground or whatever is below
-an indication that there is more occurring above the map
-some sort of physical indicates of the presence of the Thurmatages specifically, and whatever you feel for the rest of the lowly denizens
-some sort indicates of connection with the layers above and the ground below

Now reading this it seems like a troublesome task, feel free to scale it back to whatever you require in order feel comfortable to get it done in time, I put the list in order of the importance I think they are, but there's no hard order. I didn't want it to make it too detailed and limiting so you could let your imagination roam, but I also didn't want it to be too vague so you had something to sink your teeth into, I hope this will be fun for you

To kick me in the butt, stop procrastinating and begin something, below is a vague rought sketch of where it could go. I have no sure idea yet what the levitation mechanisms will be, but the thurmatages will probably be moles, I think they fit well with "the forgotten, the unwanted, and those who hide" and I may be add some references to The Duncton Wood (if Falconius allow this), although I've never drawn a mole of my life and those in Duncton don't use technology...

### Latest WIP ###