This is the island of Stepkliff, a place in my RPG world. It is located half a day's journey west of the continent of Atingund. When the heroes traveled there by ship to seek their fortune, they got into a sea blockade while entering the Prinz-Friedrich-Fjord. Their ship sank and they got rescued by Sebastian, a fisherman, who introduced them to the current political situation. The Duke of Stepkliff, Konrad III., is at war with the self-proclaimed Emperor of Atingund, Gustav I., after Konrad refused to pay newly demanded taxes. The emperor's troops are controlling the city of Baiershaven, but they are heavily outnumbered and it is only a matter of time until they will be overwhelmed. One reason for that is the sea blockade, which Konrad set up to cut off Baiershaven from any replemishments from the continent. Konrad also secretly cooperates with sorcerers of an alien folk. In this world magic is not common and most people don't even know of its existence.

After the heroes rescued a group of kidnapped children in the first adventure, they will be involved in the peace negotiations, which will take place in Lensenburg, the Duke's residence, next time.

This is my first digitally drawn map.
