Hello Cartographers,

It's been a while since I posted here, but I think I've been improving a bit since my last post, and wanted some feedback from some of you pros.

This is a tomb for a Pathfinder adventure I am running, where the map included was a bit... not my speed. So I thought I'd give it some personal flair and draw it myself!

The vibe of the map is supposed to be very ethereal and wispy, it is a tomb in the land of the dead, so I went with muted colors and a purple tinge to the stone.
It is uploaded at 1/8 the resolution that I work at, so it may be a bit blurry up close, but from far away it should get the point across.

Any feedback as to what looks awkward, distracting etc would be helpful, as well as color. I work hard to get color right in my maps, but as I am colorblind, a lot of that work is purely theoretical .
And while I'm not fishing for compliments, and feedback as to what you think the strengths of the piece are would be helpful. It's important to know both your strengths and your weaknesses.

Thank you everyone for your time!

And here it is:
