Welcome to the guild, that map is really something special. I love that nice smooth vibrant blue.

The lettering is really clean and well done. Unfortunately the large letters look kind of spare at that size. And it's impractical to increase the quill size to something that would be appropriate, so in old manuscripts they solved this dilemma by doubling or tripling the lines or some other method of visually fattening the letters up (that's where all the elaborations also start to come in).

I notice you didn't put in rivers. Which works because you have a very nice informationally stark atmosphere here. It also avoids the question of what rivers deserve to be represented. However here are some reasons you may want to include rivers (in future maps): One, they are a major mode of transportation, even now where roads and rails have surpassed them, but in pre-rail eras rivers were quite a bit more significant than roads were. It's why England is festooned with all sorts of interesting canals. And two, rivers can pose a significant geographic barrier. Indeed, roads are often determined by rivers as they tend to lead to points of crossing instead of just straight to their destination.

Anyways, great work on this. Can't wait to see more from you.