Hello everyone! A lot of folks have asked for this and today I’m excited to announce the release of Gomboust, my eleventh free brush set for Photoshop (and GIMP). This one’s quite a bit different, with a focus on creating fantastical urban environments as opposed to natural landscapes.

The signs and symbols within extracted from Jacques Gomboust’s 1652 map of Paris. It’s an interesting isometric perspective that often goes a little… um, quirky. But with a bit of familiarization, you’ll find it’s a fantastic way to render detailed fantasy cities. City maps are tough since most buildings are unique to their specific location. Finding a map that could be adapted into a brush set took some time. I’m really pleased with this one and excited to get it released and into everyone’s hands.

As with all my brushes, these are distributed under a CC0 license, which means they’re free to use for personal or commercial work, no attribution required! Let me know what you think, and if you end up using Gomboust, I’d love to see what you made.

You can read more about Gomboust and download the set over on my blog.

Detailed example:


Some of the symbols:



Gomboust in use: