Hello Friends.

Here's the map I just started working on. Everything is a sketch and a placeholder so far, even my thread title.

I started like last time - no line work, just colors, from which I'll be creating shapes. Since this month's theme is supposed to be some kind of dark, I'm just going to play with dark colours, because that's probably the simplest approach for me. No horror stories. I want my map to simply look dark and mysterious.

This is more less the final shape of the land, but I'll be changing other things, like resizing the forest, lakes, shaping the mountains and so on. The labels are mandatory, so I put them in as well, but I'll probably change them a lot.

This is a VERY early version, so the final map will probably look much different, with different colours, texture, and so on, just like with my previous map.

### Latest WIP ###

October Challenge map 1.png