Hello Friends. Today I'd like to share my map featuring a volcano.

This one will not be winning any contests, but I've noticed I keep putting work into challenge maps just to trash them, because they don't meet my expectations on the technical side. How ridiculous is that? All this map really needs is just about fifty more hours and it'll be worthy of my vision...

Here we have a story of a peaceful, prosperous fantasy island, rich with unusual minerals in its ancient volcanic soil. People are mining, growing unusual herbs and processing magical salts and such. There are beautiful, but scary woods, due to the presence of large, rather aggressive species of boar. The island has a nice dragon cave (the cave is nice, not the dragon), that you can view safely from afar, and admire the scenery. Admiring it from inside is not recommended because the dragon has teeth.

But wait, one day a madman arrives and sets up shop on the side of the largest volcano. "What a perfect place for magical research" he ponders, shortly before reactivating the long-dormant volcano with those warlock magics that decent people want nothing to do with. So now we have smoke, ash, and that burning smell everywhere. You can no longer reach the alchemist's hut, unless you go through the forest, which is dangerous.

There is plenty of adventure on this map, and I hope I'll be able to add all the missing detail before the challenge is over and everybody loses interest in volcanoes.

### Latest WIP ###

Volcano Map4.png