Quote Originally Posted by Redrobes View Post
Hi Thomas,

Let me see what I have here... Gabarit - not heard that word but its in the online dictionary and in the french one too so I guess you guys must use that one more than us. Ok so outline of the southern borders. The image had a dotted line which I followed and looked to be the border so I manually cut it out as per the images below. Appologies for my hacksaw cutting on top of this fine piece of art...

Actually - it looks like your going only partially through the land I have marked as 56 so you wont hit the mapped south border.
Thanks a lot Red ! Sorry for the thesaurus search, since I got smallpox from my 3yo last year, my mind sometimes wanders a lot around simple words

When you say I'm "going only partially through the land [you] have marked as 56", what do you mean ? Did I miss a part ?

Quote Originally Posted by Kellerica View Post
Nice, that's the spirit! It's not always easy scrapping what you've done before, but I know at least I have never regretted it afterwards. I look forward to seeing your corner of the world develop to its full glory!

I'm Kellerica and I approve of this description. *graceful nod*
Yeah, you were quite the motivation to go on

Ok, some more mountains redo. Mapping with my girl around, a baby with tummy aches and remote teaching going on is not easy but slow and steady ... you know the gist.

### Latest WIP ###
Capture d’écran 2020-03-25 à 14.08.43.png

In the next post, I hope I'll have all the land's mountain done (I'll do the out of land ones later).