River in Sammaea flowing North–West for over 5,050-miles from sources beyond lake Akasm, in the Danosoth Mountains in the South of Ethistonith. The river flows through the nations of Rhinocoloura, Aethios, N’rach, Paraiya, Lidea and Mharokk, before meeting the Inner Sea just South of the Harappan peninsula, at the Bay of Mharka, where silt deposited from the river has created the marshlands of Ilasima. It also acts as a border between Paraiya and Lidea, and Mharokk and Lidea,

The river once featured prominently in the reproductive cycle of the merills, where individuals on the cusp of reaching sexual maturity would return to the rivers' source in lake Akasm, though pollution and corruption of the r. Shibboleth, as well as damming and industrialisation along its course has led to them dwindling greatly in numbers.

Though it shares a name with one of the Two-and-Twenty Demiurges, it is unknown if the two are linked in any way, though in the ancient myth of Aethiosi nomads, the river was created by the tears of Teroth (daughter of the Demiurge Neith) after she was raped by Volupis (son of the Demiurge Serapis).

The r. was dammed in 2943 RM by Aethios, forcing Korachan into war against it, as the construction of the dam slowed the flow of the river downstram to a fraction of its previous output, leading to dozens of imperial cities dwindling. After decades of a largely uneventful war, a desperate Korachan was finally able to destroy the dam in 3017 RM, though the subsequent flooding of the river led to death and destruction downstream, causing more damage than the construction of the dam had in the first place. The dam was never restored and lies ruined to this.

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