Hi all, I thought I would share my current mapping project.

So a few years ago I created the Tulence setting for a DnD campaign I was running and over the length of the campaign I made a few maps of the area for use in the campaign, these are shown below. The first is a very ruff sketch of the kingdom with the surrounding area and the next two are the south and north halves of the kingdom.

Tulence and surronds.jpeg Tulence south.jpeg Tulence north.jpeg

I decided recently to go through and remap this region using a new style I've been working on and as one large A3 map so on Saturday I sat down and drew out the basic outline. I then worked out where the major settlements would sit and I marked out and inked these in. For most of the rest of the evening I started sketching in the map detail in pencil while watching the NZ election results come in. My progress at this point is shown below.

Tulence progress 1.jpg

Over the few days since I've continued working on the details and I've now reached the point shown below.

Tulence progress 2.jpg

I'm quite pleased with how the map is coming together so far. In the first map of this style that I tried I think I crowed the names and settlement icons a bit too much and everything just looked at bit squished together so I've been working to address that this time around. Going up to A3 size has also been very nice as up till now I've done all my maps at A4. I ended up slightly morphing the shape of the north section of the map to fit nicely on the page and to have a nice composition overall. I thought for a while about whether or not to include the minor place names and in the end decided not too for a cleaner look and as this map is more for display rather than use on the table top I think I'm pretty happy with this decision now.