Loudwater (shaded) 4K.jpg
Once again, I keep neglecting to share my maps here. This is one from last month.

Town of Loudwater, elevated map.

Loudwater is a town devided by two very different cultures. Not sure this would happen in real life but it's fun to imagine. This was a submission from Devon G on my patreon. I have previously made 7 other maps in his world, so I feel I'm really getting to know it. This is the little story blurb I included with it when I released it:

"Passing hangman's square, we left the Western end of town and entered the Roman part of town ... which was at the, er, western end of town! The two factions here did not get on, so much so that they didn't even share architectural knowledge. So we promptly left. Farewell to Loudwater, you can keep your 6-shooters, your pila and you faultly campasses..."

Hope you enjoy the map (it's free for personal use). Here are my methods:

Hand drawn and inked on mixed media paper
Pens: Copic Multiliners 0.03 to 0.35
Shading added in photoshop