Well here it is! Day 6 of a bookmark a day all finished up. This last one is styled after naval portolan charts that, for want of a better name, I have dubbed the Strait and Narrow. It's a bit more sparse than the others and I realise it might not be a completely accurate attempt at the portolan style, but I was more wanting to try out a new visual motif and get an idea of how it all fits together.

This has been a really good practice in trying new techniques and I've felt myself improving throughout it. I fully recommend for others to give it a go as the smaller scale means they don't take nearly as long as a full map which helps keep things moving nicely. I think my next bookmark series might focus on city/urban maps instead as I haven't done many of those yet, so we'll see.

Thanks for all the encouragement and appreciation throughout! Let me know what you think

All hand-drawn, roughed out in pencil and then inked; 5.5"x2.5"

### Latest WIP ###
2021-02 - The Strait and Narrow, a portolan chart.jpg