I had hoped to get a shape of my own, but that's not happening, so I'm working from the provided picture at the very top of the challenge, which suggests an island with a major city location with a picture inset, as well as latitude and longitude lines. I'm not sure what the shape of the legs is going to be, though I'm thinking it's probably some sort of dire supernatural thing.

The borders of the spill are a bit hard to determine in places and where the view is blocked by the person walking by, I have had to resort to sheer speculation. But I think I've done a reasonable approximation of the original shape. Work so far is all in GIMP.

Kaffeen is, of course, a volcanic island, somewhat like Iceland, and it is also a locus of magical power, leading to its nickname of "the Energetic Isle". And that's absolutely as far as I've gotten with the lore at this point.

### Latest WIP ###