Hello all,

I'm redoing an old CC+ gaming world map from several years ago as a personal project/WorldAnvil piece. Much left to be done, but I'm happily chugging along.

After a lifetime spent using graphic assets from others I'm trusting my own aesthetic and illustrating everything myself. Quite fun, but it does slow things down a bit.

Digital map, working size is 24"x36" @ 300dpi, final size will be adjusted to 18" x 24" @300dpi. Done with Photoshop and Cintiq 22". Time investment to date is ~100 hours of productive work. (We are all our most demanding clients, no?)

Hope everyone enjoys the WIP as much as I've thoroughly enjoyed perusing everyone's work here since returning a few weeks ago!

SP001 - Fryth Anvor Continent Map 21_1010_ WIP101021_ WIP101021.png