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Thread: Skyrim maps

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    Default Skyrim maps

    Hello good people!

    My name is Pavel, I'm a Skyrim game modder, making/adapting paper-like maps for in-game use ( I'm looking for cartographers willing to draw maps for any Skyrim-related areas (mainland Skyrim, Solstheim, DLC areas - Soul Cairn, Forgotten Vale, Apocrypha etc, popular third-party add-ons - Bruma, Wyrmsmooth, Midwood Isle etc).

    Any style and any approach will do. There are only few requirement:
    1) map should be more or less geo precise, since it will be used for actual in-game navigation;
    2) size in pixels should be 4K+ for mainland Skyrim, 2K+ for smaller DLC and add-on maps;
    3) it should be detailed geo wise - not topographic level but all main roads, all main sources of water, main terrain features etc should be distinct.

    I fully provide tech and preparation parts - mod itself, trace image (satellite-like map with outlined roads, rivers, mountains etc) and geographic names for any area you may find interesting for drawing.

    Payment strictly saying is not provided since modding in 99% cases is non-commercial venture. But paper-like map mods are being dowloaded by 2-3k players every day now, some of those people will consider buying prints if you provide those. Mod platform ( also has payment system (quite modest tho), I will gladly share 50%.

    All rights will fully belong to authors. They will also be credited in mod description and in reddit ads.

    This is basically a collaboration proposition.

    If you are interested, please contact me in the way you see fit: on, on Discord ( or in Instagram ( I will provide details and all possible support related to the map area.

    Thank you for your attention.
    Last edited by Caites; 02-10-2022 at 11:00 AM.

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