Hello Friends.

Here's my sketching in progress for this map. I am doing a side view of the most common dungeon in the world: a basement. Usually when I dream of being in a basement it is this multi-level labyrinth and there are sounds of mummified corpses grunting and shuffling about just beyond the nearest corner... Ever have a dream that you're trying to run, but your legs are refusing to have it your way? You won't have this problem here, the basement is always a great motivator for your entire body to get itself out of there as soon as possible, like, preferably, yesterday.

Since I don't use my tablet for anything other than drawing, and I have to post from my PC, here's a photo of the work in progress, as a photo of my tablet. The irl Kisachik is inspecting my work.

I'm not tagging it, since there isn't that much progress, but just wanted to add a post to the challenge.
