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Thread: High Detail Regional Map, and A Lower Detail World Map for a Space Habitat

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    Post High Detail Regional Map, and A Lower Detail World Map for a Space Habitat

    I have an initial budget of $800, with some wiggle room. The details of how and when payment is due are negotiable. Personally, I would prefer a mid-project payment and a final payment. Where with each payment the source files are sent to me.

    What I'm looking for
    I would like 1 high detail regional map and a low/medium detail world map.

    This map is for a personal world building project and a future game setting. The world is an artificial structure similar to a bishop ring, meaning we are not constrained to "natural" geologic formations. We can be creative with placement of mountains, landmasses, etc., but dynamic features like lakes and rivers should be placed where they would naturally end up based on the geography.

    Regional Map: The Luminous Isles
    Luminous Isles.png

    Full Orbital Habitat sketch:
    Orbital Height Map.png

    Primarily, I would like a topographic map, but I'm open to creating biome/satellite layers as well. Nothing needs to be labeled, as names are in flux. Features like lakes and rivers should be clearly visible. Style and coloring should be similar to Artifexian's Atlas Series.

    Quality & Size
    I would like a high pixel count raster (preferred) or a vector file. My programs of choice are Photoshop and Illustrator. My current regional draft is a raster file with 10,000 X 10,000 pixels, and a side length of between 1000–1300 miles (exact scale is undecided). The map will almost always be used in a digital context, but I may want to make a larger print for my house (24in x 24in). For the final map, I think a more reasonable resolution is needed. Maybe something between 2500–5000 pixels per side.

    The world map is a cylinder about 3200 miles tall by 6400 miles in circumference, but I might scale this up by a factor of 1.2–2.

    Collaboration & Communication
    I'm still very new when it comes to making maps, so while I have ideas, I would like to look to you as the more knowledgeable person. Let's discuss any changes to the map that you think would improve the final result.

    The full source files must be provided once payment is received. Layers should be used extensively to separate features in case future adjustments are needed.

    Time Constraints
    For this project, there are no significant time constraints. However, we should set up a timeline for the project that works for us.

    This will be a full work for hire project, I will retain all copyrights and the artist will be granted an irrevocable, non-transferable, non-commercial license to use the map in their portfolio.

    Contact Details
    OrionOrbitalProject At Gmail
    Discord: thebassist95 #5483 (Not sure if the number is needed these days.)
    Last edited by Thebassist95; 03-28-2024 at 06:52 PM. Reason: Added images, clarified some text.

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