Hi all!
I am new (or returned - but consider me new) with quite a few side-connections to creative cartography - I'm currently working on game boards based upon real geography - but also have done quite a few things using hexagonal mapping (including deriving hexagonal sub grids


Using a calculated rotational offset based upon sqrt(7)


I have created several D&D campaign maps - nothing like the beautiful art found here, I confess.
I have done some maze-work stuff, again pretty abstract - but some of which I am quite proud of:

This one is a coloured pass access map of a department of "No Such Agency" - the task is to visit each of the numbered rooms with the appropriate coloured pass, starting and finishing at Reception with an Orange (Visitors) Pass. XrjNr.png

I also have done some typographic work with fonts, as a means of generating zoomorphic celtic knotwork. Some of that can be found at https://www.instagram.com/celtic_zoomorphs