These are all suggestions for Fluesopp.

I'm no programmer myself, knowing just enough to be able to get by programming basic functions. I've had no experience with Java until a week ago and I'm just messing around editing Fluesopp's work and trying to stumble on something that works for me.

As for your variables you have in your program, they are all basically in this one except for the symbol rotation . Unfortunately, I only have so many available to edit at run-time as I really don't know how to build up the UI. (my attempts at drop-down menus etc. ended with me pretty annoyed and I don't know how to apportion pieces of the work pane over to the UI).

I can change the scale of the trees, the x density and y density on the fly. All the jitter variables need changing in the program manually atm, although they do change depending on density and scale.

I'm quite intrigued to find out what this SYMSORT command is.