This is looking fantastic!
Alright. Let's see.
The fort was built back when the area was much less settled. They needed a toe-hold on the area and chose the tip of the penninsula thinking that it would be more defensible. After a few years (with the aid of the military presence afforded by the fort), the area was settled and work even began on a nearby monastary.
In the course of a single evening, the fort was laid to waste. None at the fort survive the destruction, so no one is sure exactly what happened. Stones from the keep were said to be found hundreds of yards from the site where they had been thrown by some incredible force.
Some even claim that the much rumored Sea Dragon of Lake Festus was the cause of the fort's destruction. However, scholars doubt very much that such a dragon even exists, making such claims unlikely.
Good enough for me. On with the WIP.
### Latest WIP ###
Very impressive!
Is that a picture of a plastic model sitting in a shallow pool of water?!? If that is 3D, that is an incredible effect you have achieved! I will expect a tutorial when you are done.
Almost 3 in the morning.
Must. Sleep.
### Latest WIP ###
Truly magnificent, rlucci! I really like the way you chose to use a narrow depth of field with the 3d render, making the ruin look model like. - nice touch!
Maximum respect Rlucci. What band of adventurous loot seekers could resist that? None that I have ever played with. Great job and the presentation is fantastic.
The internet! It\'ll never catch on.
Software Used: Terranoise, Wilbur, Terragen, The Gimp, Inkscape, Mojoworld
This is a truly inspiring map! Maybe I should begin writing an adventure...
Thanks for all the kind words, guys.
My wife and kids are happy now that I'm more-or-less finished. I tend to get obsessed when I'm working on a map and they miss the attention. So, now I can go catch up on sleep, yard work, fatherly duties and husbandly duties (of course that last one isn't so onerous, if you know what I mean)...