Sorry I've been quiet folks! I've been busy preparing other parts of the Curse of Strahd adventure. Thanks for the kind words and feedback! I really appreciate everyone that has taken the time to stop by and comment.

@DownDeep: I appreciate you pointing out things you've noticed. I obviously have not started working on most of the stuff you are talking about, but I WILL keep an eye out for the issues you mention once I make it to those points. As for the Main Floor map that I'm currently working on, I'm not really concerned with how realistic the stairs are or their angels and such. It's like the old debate about the old Lara Croft's measurements if she were a real woman and how unrealistic she was... Lara Croft is not real, neither is Castle Ravenloft. I will ATTEMPT to make it a good looking map, but it ain't gonna be perfect and I don't care if it is realistic. Not to mention, Castle Ravenloft is 360 feet (109ish meters) tall! That is roughly 3 times taller than most real world "castles" and even tops some cathedrals and some modernish buildings. I still appreciate the time and thought you put into your feedback. Detailed feedback is really what helps me improve! Thanks!

That's all I have for now folks. I have been devoting my time to putting together a custom player's guide for my gaming group and it has been taking my "creative" time. I will get back to work on the map soon!

Stay tuned!