So I've been having a crack at a few small settlements to populate a large river valley region. This is the first I've completed to any reasonable degree, it's a fort that has sort of swelled beyond it's normal purpose with hangers-on and civilians using it as a frontier trading post. It's more what we would think of as a patrol base in modern terms rather than a full on keep to withstand siege but it is defensible.

I wanted it to look like it was once quite spartan and well ordered, with straight and well laid out roads with a large muster square but has since gained buildings and areas not originally in it's design so that the non-military areas look more haphazard.

I'm thinking of expanding the defenses a little with redoubts outside of the main wall to the north and cutting out some of the trees around them to make it look like the materials were taken from right where they were built.

Any thoughts anyone has on the layout? I've very little experience with laying out settlements so if there's anything particularly unnatural about it at a first glance that anyone can see that'd be handy for me to fix it!
