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Thread: WIP - The Eastern shores of Ehren

  1. #1
    Guild Expert
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    Wip WIP - The Eastern shores of Ehren

    WIP Ehren.jpg

    This is the North Eastern side of a large continent in the world I've been working on. I've only just started, but this is what I have so far. The title is just a place holder for now, and I hope to get the line work done on my mountains next.

    I've lost quite a bit of quality shrinking this down for uploading, things are looking kind of fuzzy, sorry about that. I was wondering if some one could tell me the maximum file size allowed for uploading to the site?

    Critiques, and suggestions are welcome.

  2. #2
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
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    It's looking great so far, Kacey. I really like what you've done.

    As for image sizes, Tilt made a handy little graphic that you can see here. There's further detail in the first post of that thread too.
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChickPea View Post
    It's looking great so far, Kacey. I really like what you've done.

    As for image sizes, Tilt made a handy little graphic that you can see here. There's further detail in the first post of that thread too.
    Thanx ChickPea, I appreciate the positive feed back, I was unsure about the style as it wasn't the look I was originally going for, but now I feel a bit better about it. I'll also thank you for the link on file size, it was really helpful.
    Last edited by kacey; 07-30-2016 at 01:18 AM.

  4. #4
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    WIP Ehren-mountains test.jpg

    I got the line work done on my mountains, it took about 5 hours to do, so I'm gonna move on to something else for a while because I'm sick of looking at them. I tried doing a couple of hilly areas, but I'm unsure of weather they turned out or not, I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts on them, not sure if I'll keep them or not.

    I hope to get the outlines done on my lakes next, and maybe get started on river placement.

  5. #5
    Guild Artisan Neyjour's Avatar
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    This is looking wonderful so far! I like the hills (and the mountains too!). What is it about them that you're not sure of? Style or placement? Or something else..?

    I'm curious... is this going to be monochrome, or will you be adding colour?

  6. #6
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Yeah... I'm not sure why you're not sure of them either! They look pretty dang fantastic if you ask me.

  7. #7
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
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    Heh. What Diamond said^^

    I'm loving this so far. It's looking like it's going to be my favourite kind of map.
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"

  8. #8
    Guild Journeyer Guild Sponsor
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    i really like the style.
    The linework looks great and i love how you did the "ripple" look bordering the land.
    I also really dig the background paper.

    great work so far

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neyjour View Post
    This is looking wonderful so far! I like the hills (and the mountains too!). What is it about them that you're not sure of? Style or placement? Or something else..?

    I'm curious... is this going to be monochrome, or will you be adding colour?
    Thanks Neyjour, it's good to know that my hilly areas are ok. You're question forced me to think more into it, and I think what's bugging me is maybe that to my eye the hilly areas stand out in contrast to the larger mountain areas. It might just be that I did the mountains first, and the hills where an after thought, they just seem to jump out to me. I'm thinking if I add more smaller hilly regions that the contrast won't seem so stark, maybe spread them out a bit so my eye doesn't focus on those two areas so much... I don't know if that makes sense.

    When I posted this map here I was hoping to get some insight on the colour issue. Because this isn't the style I was originally going for I haven't really decided yet, but when I tried adding colour to the water it just didn't look right, if I do add colour it will be subtle. I want this to be a political map so I was thinking I might try doing some faded colours just on the edges of the different nations. I'll definitely be doing some shading on the mountains, and probably around the coast maybe just slightly darker then the background or some type of brown, I don't know but I think I'm rambling on here...

    I'd be curious to know what people think about adding colour to this style of map, you're insights would be valuable to me since I'm a little torn on this issue.

  10. #10
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    Thanks Diamond, ChickPea, and morganPotPie, the nice comments are definitely appreciated. I would answer them individually but it's getting pretty late here in my neck of the woods. the positive comments make me feel better about moving forward with this project, thank you so much.

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