The World of Akion


The World of Akion is one of many worlds in the KALEESHI Universe...In Akion, the world was once ruled by one empire, but sadly, The Empire fell, with it came corruption and poverty from the newly formed kingdoms, The Bakari Emirates and the Kingdom of Aranor are the most economically and Militarily powerful, While the Heavenly Kingdom struggles, it is there that the Royal Family of the old Empire live...A new threat awakens in the North, a Beast...A lush forest now burnt to ashes in the North, called by what it is now "The Burnt Forest", It is your job to discover the four Temples of the Ancients and unlock the Heart of Akion, for the Heart contains the only thing that will stop the Beast from destroying the world...

This is one of first fantasy Maps I have made! Hope you Enjoy! If you have any suggestions please tell me! My email is