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Thread: Sept / Oct '17 Lite Challenge: Map The Caves of Chaos.

  1. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by Bioluminescence View Post
    Head's up for anyone else using the secondary, clearer-labeled, map - there is at least one mistake/omission in it, compared to the blue map, so beware. (I found that area 3 is missing a door.)
    That might be the only mistake on there, but just a reminder to double check
    Thanks for the heads up.


  2. #42
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azelor View Post
    Bogie, you said that 70 dpi is a standard in the industry?

    Is 72dpi a standard for something?
    Some of the older VTTs use 72, Roll20 uses 70. I use Roll20, so I picked 70. doing the math is a little easier also. My personal preference is 100, the math is a lot easier.

    As Bioluminescence said the newer map has a few mistakes on it. I only posted it because the room numbers are easier to read. (I'm old, I need that!

  3. #43
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Meshon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bogie View Post
    Non-Voting Participation: Overland map
    So, I'm not allowed to enter this challenge normally because I've got three silver compasses, but this non-voting participation intrigues me! Would I be allowed to do something like this, in parallel but not IN the challenge?


  4. #44
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
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    Yes, what did you have in mind?

  5. #45
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Meshon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bogie View Post
    Yes, what did you have in mind?
    Sorry, I should have said more! As soon as I saw the challenge title I broke out the old purple-covered book and hunted up the map of the Keep on the Borderlands and the area map that shows the wilderness around the caves. Either one of those would be fun to do (although I think mapping the entire Keep at 70px/5 feet might strain my laptop, that place is a few hundred feet on a side).

    I'm also happy to do some of the outside parts of the cave, if that's useful. Really, I'm just having a wave of happy nostalgia for the adventure and would love to take part in positive way that doesn't interfere with the legitimate challenge entries.


  6. #46
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
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    There are lots of mediocre outside views on the internet, but a really nice one would be great.
    The whole keep is very large, but you could do a detailed interior of the main building.
    A couple years ago I did this map of the Hermit's tree house.


  7. #47
    Guild Novice northerncartography's Avatar
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    Hey! New to the forums, this will be my first lite challenge! Can I do section 7? I know someone else has already signed up, but I wanna try my hand at it, too!

    Here is the room info:
    Section 7

    60. GUEST CHAMBER: This lower room is for important guests of the place. It contains a large bed, table,
    chairs, etc. There is nothing of value within, although the tapestries adorning the walls (things picturing evil
    cruelties and obscene rites) appear expensive. Beneath a velvet cloth on the table is a polished mirror 61. TORTURE CHAMBER: There are various implements of torture here, both large and small — a rack, iron
    maiden, tongs, pincers, whips, etc. Comfortable chairs are scattered along the walls, evidently so placed to
    allow visitors an enjoyable view of the proceedings. The torturer lives in the forepart of the place, and he
    will attack unauthorized persons who enter. He is a third level fighter with chain mail under his black leather
    garments. His weapon is a huge battle axe. Torturer: AC 5, F 3, hp 19, #AT 1, D 3-8 (1d6 + 2 due to Strength), ML 8.
    Hidden in his mattress are 135 gold pieces and a bracelet worth 700 gold pieces.
    62. THE CRYPT: The door to this room is bolted shut. This long hall is of roughly hewn stone, with a low ceiling. In
    it are many coffins and large sarcophagi with the remains of servants of the Temple of Chaos. The sixth tomb
    opened will contain a wight: (AC 5, HD 3*, hp 13, #AT 1, D drain one level, MV (30'), Save F 2, ML 12). There is no
    treasure buried with any of the remains, but there is a secret compartment in the wight's tomb; this contains a
    sword +2, a scroll of protection from undead, a helm of alignment change, and a silver dagger worth 800
    gold pieces because of the gems set into its pommel*.
    63. STORAGE CHAMBER: There are many piles of boxes, crates, barrels, sacks, and so forth here — the supplies
    of the temple are kept here. There is nothing of value, and if the party stays within the place for longer than 3
    rounds, a gelatinous cube will move down the corridor into the place and block it. (AC 8, HD 4*. hp 22, #AT 1, D
    2-8 plus paralyzation, MV (20'), Save F 2, ML 12.) Inside the creature are d12 each of copper, silver, electrum,
    gold, and platinum pieces, as well as several bones — evidently parts of a victim not yet wholly digested. (One
    of the "bones" is actually a wand of enemy detection with 9 charges left. If it is not gotten out of the monster
    within 1 turn, it will be ruined by digestive juices.) The secret door in the room leads to the gnoll chieftain's
    cave (50., above).
    64. CELL: The door is of iron, locked and barred, but a window is set in the door. This is the place where
    prisoners are kept until tortured to death or sacrificed in the area above. There are several skeletons still
    chained to the wall, and one scantily clad female — a fair maiden obviously in need of rescuing! As she is
    partly around a corner, at first only her shapely legs and body up to the shoulders can be seen. Those who
    enter and approach closer are in for a rude shock! This is actually a medusa recently taken by the evil priest's
    zombie guards. (AC 8, HD 4 " , hp 20, #AT 1, D 1-6 plus poison, MV (30'), Save F 4, ML 8.) An opponent hit by the
    medusa's attack has been bitten by the asp-nair and must save vs. Poison or die. Persons looking at the creature
    — including those fighting her from the front — must save versus being Turned to Stone by the medusa.
    Not being above such things, the cleric had plans for removing its snakes, blinding it, and then eventually
    sacrificing it at a special rite to a demon. The medusa will spare one or two of the adventurers from her gaze,
    promising them she has magic which will turn their companions back to flesh again, if they will free her
    from her chains. She does, in fact, have a special elixir*, a potion of stone to flesh in a small vial, enough
    liquid to turn six persons, who have been turned to stone, back to normal, but she does not intend to give it
    away. If freed she will attempt to "stone" her rescuers.
    Last edited by Bogie; 09-23-2017 at 02:14 AM.

  8. #48
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
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    Welcome to the Challenge northerncartography, # 7 it is. good luck, the more the merrier.

  9. #49
    Guild Journeyer mixerbach's Avatar
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    Derping about online for challenge related paraphernalia, I ran happened across this gem. What can I say? You just don't keep this kind of thing to yourself. That would be selfish!

    For your entertainment, I present to you...
    Ink'd Chaos
    inked chaos.png
    Whether you love it or hate it, you cannot deny that this man is seriously committed to the Caves of Chaos!

  10. #50
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
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    Someone was afraid to get lost.

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