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Thread: [Kaidan 2.0] Autumn Moon Luxury Liner Starship

  1. #1

    Default [Kaidan 2.0] Autumn Moon Luxury Liner Starship

    For a simultaneous release of the Kaidan Interstellar Empire of Japanese Horror Core Rules (setting guide, GM's guide, players guide and bestiary), scheduled for release Halloween 2018, I need to write an extended short adventure (a 2 or 3 shot?) so tables can start using the rulebook right away.

    So I'm working on a 3D model created in Wings 3D of the intended ship design - I haven't textured it yet, but will make deck plans after completion.

    Here's the Starfinder stats for this ship...

    Autumn Moon Tier 27
    Floating World class station-sized entertainment luxury liner
    Speed 4 (6); Maneuverability poor (-5 Piloting, turn 2); Drift 1
    AC 20; TL 25
    HP 600 (increment 30); DT 30; CT 120
    Shields heavy 480 (forward 120, port 120, starboard 120, aft 120)
    Attack (Forward) Gravity cannon (2d6 x10); hellfire torpedo launcher (2d20 x 10; limit 5)
    Attack (Port) Plasma cannon (5d12); heavy plasma torpedo launcher (5d10) x2
    Attack (Starboard) Plasma cannon (5d12); heavy plasma torpedo launcher (5d10) x2
    Attack (Aft) Persistent particle beam (10d6) x2
    Power Core Gateway Ultra x7 (3,500 PCU), Nova Heavy (200 PCU); Drift Engine Signal Basic; Systems mk 4 plastic armor; mk 5 trinode computer; mk 10 defenses; crew quarters (luxury); c4
    thrusters; Expansion Bays Escape Deck Colossal Bay (2000 pods); Hotel Deck Colossal Bay (100 luxury suites, 250 standard); Mass Entertainment Block Colossal Bay (public baths, fine dining
    restaurant/kabuki theater, nightclub/casino, garden shrine, pagoda temple, shops, black market place, fast
    food); standard bays brig/police station, exterior docking ring x4, memorial hall Daoist temple,
    maneuvering veneer minor pods, power core housing, shield augmentation bay x2, shuttle bay,
    sick bay, science lab, tech bay
    Modifiers +8 Piloting, +13 Gunnery, +5 x3 Computers; Complement 1000; Guest Complement 350



    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
    DrivethruRPG store

    Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations

  2. #2


    While not the deck plans yet - busy finishing a commission before I can get back to this.

    The other day I was researching Japanese doll-making, and the reason for that is that I recall a Ravenloft module featuring a doll-maker and murderous dolls featured, and was giving thoughts of either creating a module or at least a bestiary inclusion that involved Japanese dolls for my Kaidan 2.0 (Japanese horror in Space for Starfinder). The research proved to be creepier than I expected inspiring ideas that have yet to coalesce into something usable (yet).

    1. In the most ancient times (3 BC), dolls were used for religious rites and it was believed that dolls take on the sins of those who touch it.

    2. Karakuri Ningyo are life-sized dolls that were often mechanical automata used as mobile theater events for festival parades that often depicted a life-sized woman performing the tea ceremony using a whalebone spring to power the movements. Also such life-sized dolls often depicted a murder with the doll laying in a pool of blood. Even creepier, one type of pregnant woman doll, could open up showing the twelve stages of fetal growth within (wow, that's almost too grisly to think about).

    3. Bunraku is Japanese puppet theater that in some ways was the precursor for Kabuki theater. Almost life-sized realistic puppets, operated by 3 puppeteers with one moving the left hand and foot, another the right hand and foot, and the last operating it's head.

    As an aside, consider that the Japanese are working on "artificial girlfriends" which I figure by the time of a Japanese space horror setting that technology is mastered.

    I'm working on a one level module that will be simultaneously released with a Kaidan Core Rule book for Starfinder - Japanese Horror in space setting. That module will feature a resort luxury cruise liner starship owned by the yakuza, and rather than a traditional resort ship, it is a redlight district entertainment ship - Bunraku puppet theater, brothels, gambling casinos, a black market, an MMA arena other similar darker entertainments.

    Rather than forcing player characters to engage with doll prostitutes, using pregen characters, one will be an investigator of some repute, and the on board magistrate will ask him and his party to investigate a double murder aboard the ship, that involves a doll prostitute as a witness...

    I want to keep the adventure PG13, and not Rated R, but it's tight rope.

    As a prelude to the module, a wealthy woman, daughter of a physician has a suite in the onboard hotel of the resort ship. She is waiting on the arrival of her fiance, a young samurai business executive for one of the MegaCorps. When he arrives, however, he will scorn the woman and break the engagement, as while she is a physician's daughter, she is a member of the Commoner caste (Japanese social castes are maintained in the setting). His family won't allow him to marry a commoner, and his family has arranged his marriage into a more powerful samurai house, and he is now already engaged to a young samurai lady, daughter of his boss.

    In a moment of rage and despair she picks up an iron stone vase and knocks it into his head, knocking him out, and she continues to beat his head, until it's smashed and he is dead. She quickly cleans herself in the shower, and leaves the crime scene. Needing company to console her, but not wanting to be with a man, nor someone who could reveal her crime, she seeks the company of a doll courtesan. And "engages" with her, revealing to the cybernetic doll her crime. After which she finds a quiet area in the ship and hangs herself.

    That is the double murder. The twist is from #1 in my post - touching the doll transfers the woman's sin into it. Now there is a doll courtesan touched with tragedy and murder and desires those men she engages with to be her husband. When they refuse, since they know she's a doll, will attempt to murder them. Rather than a direct confrontation, she will lead them to places and people that will do the murdering for her.

    Part of the issue in trying to get the doll courtesan to reveal what she knows, is that it's standard practice to erase the short term memory of doll courtesans to protect their clients from unnecessary exposure. When the player characters come to interrogate her, she is in the process or erasure, which is stopped, but she only has some of the memories, and may insist in acting out the events with one of the PCs, to their astonishment to help her regain her memory. After the partial interrogation, they will retire to their rooms. The doll courtesan will appear at the door of one of the interrogators and asks they accompany her to the bath house, where she recalls being taken by the distraught woman. In reality, the bath house is haunted by a powerful ghost, that she is aware, and taking him there to actually lead to his murder by encountering the ghost, and the doll courtesan locks the door out of the bath house. She will attempt to separate party members over time in instances of danger she intends to put them through.

    That is the setup to the adventure.


    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
    DrivethruRPG store

    Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations

  3. #3


    I've finally gotten around to texturing the 3D model - now on to deck plans...


    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
    DrivethruRPG store

    Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations

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