This one is coming together.
Nitpicking goggles on, I would start adding the shadows the Objects cast in the scene. It would add depth to the image.
Side note: Remember blank space is your friend in certain cases, not every inch has to be inked in.
Can I be frank here for a moment. The way you post miles and miles of images in each their own thread and have each one with something in the TITLE: "Any Comments or Feedback Welcome!" or "Please Critique!" or "Please Comment!" or "Any Suggestions for Future Taverns?" or something of the like; is off putting.
It is faaaar better to add something like that in your actual post.
I am one that is firm of the view point that I was a few years ago at a place where my cartography had a looooooooong way to go, and so I try to give tips as best I can where I see people can improve their work. It was because other people giving me tips that I have come leaps and bounds since back then.
And as I learned cartography I tried not to be intrusive in my pursuit to improve my craft.
So, for the kindness others showed me in the years, I wish to relay it to you. I am not attacking you at all, I just feel the way you are going about this feel off somehow.
My suggestions then:
Number 1: In your next projects, I would suggest not adding the "Any Comments or Feedback Welcome!" or something like it in the TITLE of your threads.
Number 2: I would definitely suggest you give an extra line of spacing before you put your #tags. It is hard to read your text to be honest, everything feels compressed. More spacing would be much appreciated.
Number 3: In the post you can ask questions about what you are struggling with on a specific map. It is always easier to then go think about what kind of answers to give, and that normally leads to other things a person might want to point out about a map.
Edit: Number 4: I would suggest starting 1 or maybe 2 maps, just that, and proceed to chip away at it/them and challenge yourself with techniques until you have ironed out a lot of things about it. I know I personally can push out A LOT of maps every single day if I want, but those would feel uncompleted. My best work are the ones that I take my time with and chip away at it. I would definitely suggest that to you, since I see the Buildings section is filled with one-shot maps from you.
This is optional, but it is something that might also help in your situation. You push out a lot of maps, why not create a Thread called something like, My RPG Maps and then have it as your thread where you throw in all your RPG maps. Then you can always still ask map specific questions alongside each Image in the thread.
Anyway, I posted this to help, so I hope you take it as thus.
Good luck going forward