Quote Originally Posted by Tiana View Post
heh, I'm a little out of my depth.
Was that supposed to be a pun? (Height field, depth... Get it? )

Now, I will say that the shape was a little difficult for me to see at first. Could just be my tired, old-a$$ eyes, or could be the darkish edges of both the water and the land. No big deal in my book. The shape is there, and that's all that matters.

As for the "graininess" and "rustiness," I do agree, BUT, that actually works for me. My first thought when I looked at the full size image was that this would look super awesome if it were etched (or is that painted or some other technique?) on a sheet of copper (maybe with the bare copper replacing the closest matching color) with some strategically placed denting and folding.

Anyways, that's my one and a half cents ( or sense if you will ). And Kudos for trying something new and/or different. Every once in a while that helps you get even better at what you already do well.