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Thread: The start of a big world build project with a friend

  1. #1

    Discuss The start of a big world build project with a friend

    Good morning, im a newcomer catograph and im not sure if thats here the right forum too post my project but hey no one learns without mistakes and thats why im just doing it

    I´m Ayama, the catograph for the world building project with a friend, im doing lots of maps: world maps, continental maps, country maps, location maps from hills, valleys, forests, lakes, city maps, castle maps, dungeon maps, even maps from encounter houses like a tavern, smith, etc.

    We are on the start of the project and i´m working atm on different prototype maps with inkarnate:

    Continent of Alsa.jpg
    The Continent of Alsa
    Shara Isle.jpg
    Shara Isle
    The magic land of Omisla.jpg
    The Magic land of Omisla

    These are momentarily the 3 prototype maps of the start continent of the story.
    I will work them out per hand as soon as we decided on which map we settle, i wont work the whole time with inkarnate, just for the prototypes, the real work will be done in the future digital with a drawing programm.

    I will hold this thread up to date through the whole progress of the story.
    Feel free too share your opinions and thoughts on my prototype maps

    have a nice day all

    Edit: There came actually one more map up as a prototype version.
    I hope i get some nice advice tho

    The Holy land Hira.jpg
    The Holy land Hira

    Edit: some more maps with inkarnate as a sketch.

    Shara: a little coppy make over from my Shara Isle.
    My first try on a Tavern encounter map
    Dungeon 1.png
    My first dungeon battle/encounter map

    Some more of my Sketchs maps are in my Gallerie but these are just for fun inland different biom encounter/battle maps.

    Have a nice day
    Last edited by Ayama; 08-25-2019 at 02:49 PM. Reason: Progress

  2. #2


    I welcome advice too get better and start soon the workout of one of these maps but i´m not sure yet, i hold this thread up too date while that project gets progress
    Last edited by Ayama; 08-25-2019 at 02:50 PM.

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