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Thread: Nov-Dec 2019 Challenge: Orbisvapor

  1. #1

    Default Nov-Dec 2019 Challenge: Orbisvapor

    It is the year 2069 PI (Posterius Inundation - After the Flood) as we write.

    After a year of waiting your request to visit the archives of the Cartopeian Library of the Scribes has finally been approved.
    You slowly make your way from the entrance of the Library towards the back of the hall, carefully placing your feet to make sure you don't disturb the dust on the ground. The further you venture from the entrance, the older the maps on the stone shelves around you.
    You realise the archives are in the furthest part of the Hall and thousands of maps and scrolls lay between you and its entrance.

    Upon reaching the entrance you reach for the large bronze key in your pocket.
    The lamp in your hand makes a crackling sound while it casts a soft orange glow on the scrollfilled shelves around you.
    It takes some effort but you are able to turn the key and hear the dry click indicating the rusted lock has granted you acess.
    You open the heavy oaken door by putting some weight to it and make your way inside.

    On the far end of the room you place your lamp on an old greying desk and place your leather satchel backpack on the ground next to it.
    A rather large and thick book placed upon a pedestal next to the desk catches your eye.
    The book is bound in a brownish leather and through the layer of dust you can read part of the book's titel: Orbisvapor.
    Beneath the map lies an oaken box, about 50X70X10 cm in size. Its corners are strengthened with pieces of brass...the hinches and lock, despite their greenish patina, appear to be made out of copper.
    Inside you discover a rather colourfull map. It has been handdrawn on parchment which in turn has been attached to an oaken board. The borders of the map have been decorated with what appears to be parts of a steam driven machine...

    I love this challenge and had a clear idea of what I wanted to do since I first read it

    Some time in the future scientists discover a meteor is approaching Earth. They predict it will take the meteor about 15-25 years to reach earth and impact somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean causing big parts of the landmasses to be permanently flooded.
    My map will show "Europe" (now named Orbisvapor - combining the words Orbis and Vapor - World and Steam) after the big flood with rebuild cities and cultures.
    Because most of the old natural recourses are no longer accessable but water is plenty availlable I want to give the whole map a Steampunk-ish/Vernian theme. After my Map of Thra I really started to appreciate the flexibillity working digitally gives me so I will do that again...and again on a large scale, probably at A2-ish.
    Last edited by Marc; 12-05-2019 at 07:36 AM.

  2. #2


    First WIP photo of this challenge map.
    I finished the outlines for the landmass and oceans/seas.
    Allthough I want to make it steampunk themed I really want to stay away from the usual burgundy/brown parchment maps.

    ### Latest WIP ###

    Orbisvapor WIP 1.jpg

  3. #3


    i'm intrigued by this notion! a bit of le guin's earthsea?

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by DrWho42 View Post
    i'm intrigued by this notion! a bit of le guin's earthsea?
    I never heard of the Earthsea novels before, but thanks for bringing them to my attention
    Advancement wise I will place this map in a previous era (sort of) but not as far back as the stoneage

  5. #5


    Started working on the border (loads of brasswork to do) and decided to expand the size of the map a little.
    Still a few flaws in the coastal linework to improve (they washed up on shore after the expansion ).

    ### Latest WIP ###

    Orbisvapor WIP 2.jpg
    Last edited by Marc; 11-19-2019 at 04:39 PM.

  6. #6


    Did some digital brass polishing and adjusted and rearanged some bits (which I will probably keep on doing )

    ### Latest WIP ###

    Orbisvapor WIP 3.jpg

  7. #7


    Interesting map, already! And on a side note, I really like your signature ;-)

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Ilanthar View Post
    Interesting map, already! And on a side note, I really like your signature ;-)
    Thanks Ilanthar! Also for the new signature (need to resize it though...and maybe change the format to get it sharper) but the inspiration came from Beee

  9. #9
    Guild Expert Guild Supporter aeshnidae's Avatar
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    Very cool brass effect! And I'm a sucker for zeppelins.

    Find me on

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by aeshnidae View Post
    Very cool brass effect! And I'm a sucker for zeppelins.
    As long as the map isn’t going down like a ‘Led Zeppelin’
    Thanks Aeshnidae!

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