I hope this is still in the works, it is awesome. Also, I am terrified of isometric but you are crushing it.

For the tables, you already have some papyrus/scrolls so I was thinking possibly an embalming chamber with tools for the embalmers and canopic jars for the various organs to go into when they are placed in the chamber/sarcophagus with the deceased (see these if you want a reference for the process of embalming and for the jars: https://science.howstuffworks.com/mummy2.htm -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canopi...74_-_Group.jpg)

In the Tohmet chamber, since she was a priestess of death and is now a lich, did she get this power from Anput/Anubis? If so, while it is not super common, you could have a statue of a feminine figure with a jackal head. Also, was she ever embalmed like a mummy or did she just become a lich? If she was embalmed, I would assume her sarcophagus is around somewhere.

And not to give you too much to look at, but I used this wiki for a project I did on Egyptian wood inlay and reliefs, there are a bunch of examples of furniture: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/C..._Museum_of_Art