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Thread: [WIP] Atlas Maps of Valmere | From Real-World Height Data to Vector Map

  1. #21

    Default Managing Fantasy World Maps in GDAL

    Managing a fantasy world map with GDAL

    The benefit of using GDAL to manage a world map with GDAL is that you are not limited by resolution like you would be with G.Projector. You can make your map as detailed as possible, and GDAL should be able to handle it, as long as your computer can.

    Disclaimer: Everything I do with GDAL on the command line you can absolutely do with QGIS. I'm a software engineer by trade, though, so I'm at home on the command line.

    Disclaimer 2: I am *not* a GIS expert, so if anything I say in this post sounds completely wrong, please don't hesitate to let me know

    GDAL Version

    I use GDAL version 3.2. You need at least GDAL version 3.1 to run the commands I run in this tutorial, since the -a_ulurll command is only available in 3.1+

    Equirectangular Map

    Your "source of truth" is your equirectangular map. My process starts with an landmask equirectangular world map, white=land and black=ocean.

    The plan is to reproject our equirectangular map in different ways to reduce distortion for finalizing the coastlines and building the heightmap. Working with as little distortion as possible makes it easier to create the heightmap, figure out rivers, and more. Getting an entire landmass relatively distortion-free becomes much harder if your landmass is huge, and this is personally something I have not tackled yet. My main world is half the radius of earth, and probably 85+% water, so my landmasses are relatively small and easy to capture in a single projection.

    For this tutorial, I'll be using a new world map:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	map.png 
Views:	63 
Size:	28.5 KB 
ID:	124085

    I'll work with the lower left continent for now.

    Adding Geo Referencing to the Equirectangular World Map

    First, we need to add geo-referencing information to our base map. To do this, run the command:

    Code: -a_srs EPSG:4326 -a_ullr -180 90 180 -90 map.tif
    EPSG:4326 is basically the "plate caree" or equirectangular projection. the numbers define the extents of the projection.

    Figuring out projection parameters

    The easiest way to figure out what exactly you want to project to is to use G.Projector. I will create a lower resolution version of my equirectangular map, usually 6000x3000 or so, in png format.

    Loading that up into G.Projector and playing with the settings, I end up with a equidistant conic projection that looks like this:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	gprojector.png 
Views:	55 
Size:	134.4 KB 
ID:	124086

    Reprojecting to Equidistant Conic

    This web page: has a master list of the project codes for pretty much all projections that GDAL can do.

    To reproject our base map, we want to use the gdal_warp command. Setting up our equidistant projection looks like this:

    gdalwarp -t_srs "+proj=eqdc +lat_1=-30 +lat_2=-60 +lon_0=-70" -r mode map.tif equidistant_conic.tif
    Depending on the resolution of your map, this will take awhile.

    Once complete, you can run gdalinfo equidistant_conic.tif to see the new georeferencing information:

    Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
    Files: equidistant_conic.tif
    Size is 8760, 6947
    Coordinate System is:
        BASEGEOGCRS["WGS 84",
            DATUM["World Geodetic System 1984",
                ELLIPSOID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
        CONVERSION["Equidistant Conic",
            METHOD["Equidistant Conic"],
            PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin",0,
            PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin",-70,
            PARAMETER["Latitude of 1st standard parallel",-30,
            PARAMETER["Latitude of 2nd standard parallel",-60,
            PARAMETER["False easting",0,
            PARAMETER["False northing",0,
    Data axis to CRS axis mapping: 1,2
    Origin = (-21227652.971526119858027,10001965.729313574731350)
    Pixel Size = (4846.117353881320014,-4846.117353881320014)
      TIFFTAG_DATETIME=2020:07:23 11:35:30
      TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT=2 (pixels/inch)
      TIFFTAG_SOFTWARE=Adobe Photoshop 21.0 (Windows)
    Image Structure Metadata:
    Corner Coordinates:
    Upper Left  (-21227652.972,10001965.729) (134d21'23.00"W,169d 3'49.28"N)
    Lower Left  (-21227652.972,-23664011.528) (117d51'16.66"E,120d14'19.24"N)
    Upper Right (21224335.048,10001965.729) (  5d39' 0.05"W,169d 2'32.92"N)
    Lower Right (21224335.048,-23664011.528) (102d 9' 3.46"E,120d12'46.74"N)
    Center      (   -1658.962,-6831022.899) ( 70d 1'51.34"W, 61d35'16.99"S)
    Band 1 Block=8760x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Red
    Band 2 Block=8760x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Green
    Band 3 Block=8760x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Blue
    Reprojecting back to Equirectangular

    Inevitably, you will be editing this equidistant conic map in Photoshop or other photo editing/terrain editing software. Throughout this process, your tif file will lose the georeferencing information, since when you save in these programs, they don't know to retain that metadata. What I would recommend is to, when making edits, save to a new file. For instance, equidistant_conic_heightmap.tif. That way, you can go back and reference your original georeferencing data in equidistant_conic.tif.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	eqdc_bw.png 
Views:	47 
Size:	142.3 KB 
ID:	124087
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	eqdc_color.png 
Views:	72 
Size:	180.5 KB 
ID:	124088

    **Note: This post is not covering heightmap creation, yet. I just pasted a bit of the australia map from the last post. The scale is not even close. I will have a feature post covering my franken-heightmap process.

    Once we have a new map ready to reproject back to equirectangular, we will need to add back the georeferencing information. We need to set the type of projection and associated information, along with the corner coordinates, which defines the extents of the map. You can find this information using gdalinfo like we did in the last section.

    For the a_ulurll* command, we are giving "upper left", "upper right", "lower left". We need to use this parameter instead of the standard -a_ullr command since the equidistant conic projection is not square (it's probably more complicated then that, but that's my rudimentary understanding). p

    *this is the option that is only available in 3.1+, and we need it!

    Code: -a_srs "+proj=eqdc +lat_1=-30 +lat_2=-60 +lon_0=-70" -a_ulurll -21227652.972 10001965.729 21224335.048 10001965.729 -21227652.972 -23664011.528 equidistant_conic_heightmap.tif
    With the georeferencing data added back in, we can reproject back to equirectangular:

    gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:4326 -r mode equidistant_conic_heightmap.tif equirectangular_final.tif
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	eqr_bw.PNG 
Views:	42 
Size:	140.3 KB 
ID:	124089
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	eqr_color.png 
Views:	84 
Size:	204.4 KB 
ID:	124090

    The plan is to follow a similar process for each continent, then combine each equirectangular map into a single master file. The great thing about this process is that you can do it at as high of a resolution as you want. Fair warning, though, gdalwarp operations can take a long time at really high resolutions, especially with a 16-bit image.
    Last edited by morne; 07-25-2020 at 04:30 PM.

  2. #22
    Guild Member Michi il Disperso's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Parma (Italy)


    One question (before i even try with Gdal or qgis): from wich latitude you think distortion is too high to directly use equirectangular? Or you reproject in every case?

  3. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Michi il Disperso View Post
    One question (before i even try with Gdal or qgis): from wich latitude you think distortion is too high to directly use equirectangular? Or you reproject in every case?
    Not sure I'm entirely qualified to answer this, but I would say 50/60 degrees latitude is where the distortion starts to become pretty noticeable. The other thing you could do is only use terrain from the same latitudes when creating your heightmap, since I'm pretty sure the GMTED2010 data is equirectangular. But using projections means you can get things on a more "even playing field" so to speak.

  4. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Michi il Disperso View Post
    One question (before i even try with Gdal or qgis): from wich latitude you think distortion is too high to directly use equirectangular? Or you reproject in every case?
    This figure from Wikipedia ( gives a pretty good sense of how the distortion increases toward the poles. By the time you get to 60 degrees N/S, you have a factor of 2x stretching in the horizontal (vertical remains undistorted), so morne's answer is probably a pretty good rule of thumb for where the distortion will start to get hard to handle.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1920px-Plate_Carrée_with_Tissot's_Indicatrices_of_Distortion.svg.png 
Views:	59 
Size:	213.2 KB 
ID:	124094

  5. #25


    Here we go....

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	valmere_heightmap_progress.PNG 
Views:	187 
Size:	551.4 KB 
ID:	124126

    Tutorial coming soon.

  6. #26
    Guild Member Michi il Disperso's Avatar
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    Parma (Italy)


    Wow.. Just wow.. although i feel it will be hard XD

  7. #27


    Finally got around to throwing together a super simple blog:

    I retroactively added the two tutorials I've written so far. I will still include a full write-up in a post here, though, for each tutorial I write.
    Last edited by morne; 07-29-2020 at 01:14 PM.

  8. #28


    Figured something out today that pleasantly surprised me: a method of doing vector patterns in Affinity Designer. This is one of the big things I was really missing coming from Illustrator, so I was really happy to figure this out. This isn't a full tutorial or anything, but I wrote about my method here:

  9. #29
    Guild Member Michi il Disperso's Avatar
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    Jul 2020
    Parma (Italy)


    Hi! I have a question: how big is you basemap? How you manage to use it?
    I currently use a Inkscape vector map 40K px x 20K px; it doesn't even try to export it as a png.
    I have to resize it? How much?
    It's convenient to do continent per continent?
    I don't even know if gimp is able to open a map so big XD

  10. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by Michi il Disperso View Post
    Hi! I have a question: how big is you basemap? How you manage to use it?
    I currently use a Inkscape vector map 40K px x 20K px; it doesn't even try to export it as a png.
    I have to resize it? How much?
    It's convenient to do continent per continent?
    I don't even know if gimp is able to open a map so big XD
    My master Equirectangular map is going to be 80k x 40k pixels . Photoshop can handle it, but I don’t do any actual work on the full map. All of my heightmap creation/editing happens on smaller projected maps per continent, usually maxing out at like 12k x 12k pixels.

    The only thing that’s been annoying so far is reprojecting from the master map takes a long time now, usually 8 hours or so.

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