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Thread: September 2020 Challenge: Moros (West)

  1. #1
    Guild Member Kilo11's Avatar
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    Aug 2020

    Default September 2020 Challenge: Moros (West)

    Hey all,

    I am somewhat new to the forums (as a user; I've lurked for ages ), and I figured I would dive in head-first and try my hand at some of these community engagement things. Mapping in perspective is also something I have never tried to do, so I am excited to see what kind of results I can manage (in fact, I have never even really drawn in perspective, as that is not my strongest suit).

    Regarding the map, this is an island nation that belongs in a set of fiction books I am working on. Note also that this first WIP is not yet a perspective map. This will be inlaid into the perspective version, and will show the whole island nation, whereas the perspective will only show one corner. I hope you guys like the start I've made, and I really hope I can make the whole perspective thing happen.

    Moros (West)
    ### Latest WIP ###
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Kilo11; 09-13-2020 at 09:53 AM. Reason: Attached wrong image, like a fool... :facepalm:

    My (ongoing) Novel set in Arabia in Antiquity

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  2. #2
    Guild Member Kilo11's Avatar
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    Aug 2020


    Hiya Cartographers!

    Worked on the map over the weekend, and now have a newer version to present. As before, this is not yet the perspective version, and is instead just the inset that I will put on the perspective map. I needed to get this done first though so I'd be sure about the islands' features and layout. Comments or thoughts are much appreciated, and hopefully I will have a proper perspective view ready sometime soon.

    ### Latest WIP ###

    My (ongoing) Novel set in Arabia in Antiquity

    (Link directs to a different forum site, but one with identical formatting to this one)

  3. #3
    Guild Journeyer
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    Apr 2020


    I find it very nice : soft tones, the mountains are very impressive, massives. Well done!

  4. #4
    Guild Member Kilo11's Avatar
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    Aug 2020


    Thanks Bindusara. I can't take too much credit for the mountains though, as those were made using the mountains brush provided in Wonderdraft. Basically, I drew the core landmass myself, then inked it, then figured out the logical geography, traced that out in Wonderdraft, and then in GIMP I used the perspective tool to lay out the map you see above so I could work on a perspective version. Yesterday I did the first penciled version of the perspective map, and will try to ink it today. Then I will add color, labels, and other touches in GIMP, finally adding a title banner and an inset of the map above.

    The current WIP is only pencil, so harder to make out, but here it is!
    ### Latest WIP ###
    Scan_Moros (perspective).jpg

    My (ongoing) Novel set in Arabia in Antiquity

    (Link directs to a different forum site, but one with identical formatting to this one)

  5. #5


    Looks good so far! Can't wait to see the finished version.

    Good luck with the competition.

    Visit my business site: The Elderly Cartographer
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  6. #6
    Guild Member Kilo11's Avatar
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    Aug 2020


    Thanks! I am enjoying it so far, and am actually quite happy with what is my first attempt at perspective cartography, and perspective art in general. For a latest update, here is the penciled version inked.

    ### Latest WIP ###

    I am going to start playing with colors and textures today, and hopefully by Sunday evening I will have a much more finished version to present.

    My (ongoing) Novel set in Arabia in Antiquity

    (Link directs to a different forum site, but one with identical formatting to this one)

  7. #7
    Guild Member Kilo11's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2020


    Alright cartographers, over the weekend I managed to do some extensive work on the map. I still need to add a title banner for sure, but other than that, I am up for suggestions about what you all think could be improved, added, or changed. Anyway, I hope y'all like the latest version, and do tell if you've any thoughts.

    ### Latest WIP ###
    Moros (perspective).png

    My (ongoing) Novel set in Arabia in Antiquity

    (Link directs to a different forum site, but one with identical formatting to this one)

  8. #8


    It is shaping up beautifully. I love the fog!

    As for suggestions... The only thing I see, is that the land looks ever-so slightly bare. Nothing that some trade routes or slight terrain differences or even labels, wouldn't fix. (That is, if this land has any of those things.)

    Visit my business site: The Elderly Cartographer
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  9. #9
    Guild Member Kilo11's Avatar
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    Aug 2020


    Thanks Gramps

    The "fog" is indeed one of the aspects I feel somewhat proud of. It is such a simple thing (just a color to alpha gradient layer), but it does a lot to convey depth, helping along the "perspective" element of the map greatly.

    As to more terrain stuff, I hear you, but I just wish I didn't. Routes and terrain can add a bit, but what I really need is forests. The only problem is that adding forests will be a lot of work, but you are right that they are needed. I guess I will start adding those in then, but in case I don't get them finished in time for the ending of the competition, here is a more finished version of the map:

    ### Latest WIP ###
    Moros (perspective).png

    My (ongoing) Novel set in Arabia in Antiquity

    (Link directs to a different forum site, but one with identical formatting to this one)

  10. #10


    Adding the title, makes the land look less empty. As is, it is very good.

    If you want to imply forests without taking too much time, you could use a brush (possibly a grunge texture brush) and paint or 'dab' areas green. I'm not exactly sure how it will look, but it might do the trick.

    For routes, I use the path tool in GIMP, to create the route, then "stroke path". It generally doesn't take me very long... depending on how many paths I use. Lol.

    Lol. "Gramps". I like that!

    Visit my business site: The Elderly Cartographer
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