The mountains on this map remind me strongly of the southwest coast of Norway because the flat-bottomed valleys looks very much like glacial valleys. However, a map of Norway showing roughly the same sized features covers much less terrain than what you have here (roughly a third to half as much, meaning that I would expect the scale bar to read at most about 300 to 500 kilometers).

You're being bitter by the Wilbur bug/feature that tends to run approximately parallel rivers across overly flat terrain. In the real world, rivers tend to push together due to erosion factors. Wilbur's erosion features (especially Incise Flow) tend to keep the first-found features on the random surface, many of which which would tend to disappear in the real world as rivers merge and move over the floodplain. A quick workaround for some of the problems is to reduce the resolution of your terrain, blur it a bit, and then run rivers. The rivers will be in pretty much the right places in the more detailed map, but will tend to have fewer artifacts (or at least different artifacts).