The challenge: "Since tonight is a Supermoon and it coincides very closely with the Spring Equinox, This month's Challenge is to create a map that has a full moon in it. Be clever, include the moon anyway you want to."

My response: This is going to be an illustration for the conclusion to a Mazes & Minotaurs* adventure. The M&M setting, Mythika, includes a wide variety of near-human folk. One of these are the Selenites, exiles from the Moon. This would be the moment of their homecoming. After the heroic adventurers recover the pieces of a magical ladder, it is assembled and, when placed at the appropriate site at the appropriate time, the ladder extends into the sky all the way to the Selenite homeworld, and the Selenites climb back to the Moon. The game's known world is roughly analogous to the ancient Mediterranean, so its moon will likewise be roughly analogous to our own. That is, I will be simplifying and distorting actual lunar geography to create the terrain of the Mythikan Moon. This will be done in grayscale, as it is intended as an interior illustration that would have appeared in an old adventure module, and that would not have had budget for color.

* Mazes & Minotaurs is an "old-school style" role-playing game drawing from classical mythology rather than medieval fantasy. I am currently running an M&M on Roll20. (And I am looking for more players if anyone is looking to get on the virtual tabletop.)

The map was made in Krita and I used a photograph of the Moon as a reference when creating my own version.

ladder to the moon.png