It has been too long since I last drew a map. I've been busy with illustrations and character designs.

I was inspired to draw a volcanic island with a technical styling, like the boarder of alligator skin and the mini windows.
I struggled with finding a land-flow that looked natural, but slowly the rough draft evolved into what you see now.

Back story:
The island is home to a super volcano, which draws considerable traffic from the science community. Archibald Shellhammer purchased exclusive rights to study the seismic activity and build the Shellhammer Facility. Access to specific points on the island is only permissible by boat or by helicopter. Occasionally, teams are allowed to traverse the mountain rim of the caldera and the island outer rim. The resident scientists and engineers claim that they have heard unnatural sounds and seen giant tridactyl prints believed to belong to theropods. An expedition into the interior went sour when the team was attacked and three people were killed. After that NO ONE was allowed to enter the caldera. The only way into the caldera is by La Culebra Canyon/Waterfall gap or by helicopter.

Isla Caldera and the Shellhammer Facility.png