Aaaah! Loose teeth!
I'd be there with ChickPea. Sometimes that dream comes in a toothpicks/needles in your mouth version, or that horrid "I have too much gum in my mouth and it's somehow glued to my teeth" scenario. But the worst of all, I think, is "my teeth have decayed all the way down to tiny, rotten stumps".
The gum I was referring to is chewing gum that lost all its flavour; you want to get rid of it, but suddenly it fills up your mouth all the way to your tonsils. So you start digging it out with your fingers, but there's always pieces still stuck somewhere. This nightmare is probably a product of my falling asleep with gum in mouth when I was a teenager. You wake up and it's dissolved in your mouth and it's so gross. You go spit it out, but it's all in bits. The nightmare exaggerates the amount of gum and the difficulty of getting rid of it.
I also have other interesting nightmares to talk about, if you need more nightmare fuel. Ever dream you're on an escalator, but suddenly realize near the top landing, there's only a 5cm gap between the steps and the ceiling?
You got some unique ones there I think
I worked as a bellboy one summer in the 2000s. Elevator was about the size where you can touch every side while standing in the middle of the room. My job was to fill it with suitcases, stand on the leftover space between the door and the luggage, squeeze in and push the button to go up. That took care of whatever claustrophobia I had.
I started a DeviantArt page