@drow: I've been looking for you for some time, wanting to ask a question (hint put some contact details on your website ;D).
Anyway, I've created a dungeon generator that based on excel input (or any other tab seperated values) generates a map. The map style can be completely customized. So with the same layout (that is tab seperated values input) you can create entirely different maps. I was considering doing some vbasic in excel to auto generate maps not quite unlike the ones from your donjon map generator. This is around the time when I started looking for examples and came accross you website: very very nice job!!
This made me wonder if its possible (for you) to create an text ouput of your dungeon generated maps? In this case 'walls' should be empty values and 'floor' could be 'F' (thats what I used). I've extended this quite considerably with other codes as well e.g. L for light source, S for skeleton etc.
However just a basic text output of your generated maps with simply 'F' for floor tiles and 'D' for doors and emtpy for walls, seperated by tabs, would be awesome.
I think this makes more sense if you have a look at my dungeon generator, so here the link:
Let me know what you think of it.
@jfrazierjr: are you by any chance the same jf from Maptools that has been bitching me around for onTokenMove? (granted the bitching was mutual)
My Finished Maps
Works in Progress(or abandoned tests)
My Tutorials:
Explanation of Layer Masks in GIMP
How to create ISO Mountains in GIMP/PS using the Smudge tool
Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.
hi wolph! it looks like a nifty project. perl code for a partial implementation of the donjon random dungeon generator is available under a creative commons license, see the 'about' link at the bottom of the generator page. if that doesn't work for you, let me know i'll see what i can do about text output. but i'm peery about adding features which aren't clearly and widely useful.
>>< drow ><<
Hi drow,
Thnx for the rep. I did notice the the source code and the license. However my perl skills are none existent, moreover that would also mean that I have to setup a website of my own (which I currently haven't). I can fully understand that you don't want to add features that are not widely in use, however I saw this request as a mutual benefit. Your output will make it much easier to use my tool and my tool will enable a user to create much more interesting dungeon that are graphically more attractive. Granted the latter does concern a bit of a hassle, but once you've got the lot running, you're golden.
So indeed I would like to ask you to consider this extra feature, maybe in conjunction with a link to the MT forum and a short description of the possibilities it grants.
I would cry tears of joy if There was a way to import the random maps strait into MT.
The thought of using one of your complex Gargantuan maps manually... makes me shudder. +50 to wolph42's idea
Thanks for the support post and also thanks for reminding me that I forgot to emphasize an important point:
When using Maptools for this endavour, users aren't 'limited' to the use of MT with these maps. MT (Maptool) has the functionality to export the map as an png. Making the combo the ideal tool to create swift and cewl maps for any user!!
okay, i'll see what i can do. one line per row, tab separated cells, blank = fill, F = floor, D = door ?
>>< drow ><<
Awesomesauce!! And yes. Those are the codes. Might be useful to make a difference between a north south door and an east west door e.g. DN and DE
from your examples, should i be using DT, DB, DL, and DR instead?
are things like secret doors and porticullises indicated differently, or do those all get lumped in as doors?
Last edited by drow; 01-11-2011 at 03:16 PM.
>>< drow ><<
That would be even better. Though I'm unsure how that will turn out. Also for different types of doors you can use different D codes but I need to check which and how exactly. I'll get back to that.