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Thread: World Map - Akossi (working title)

  1. #21


    Ok so here's some preliminary wind patterns I drew up:

    winds prelim jan.jpg

    winds prelim july.jpg

  2. #22


    Hey, still here! Just lots of other stuff to work on. I'm excited with how close this is getting to being ready to add climate zones! Anyways, here are relative precipitation level maps for january and july. I've been tring to use the Climate Cookbook, but some things are bound to be wrong. If anyone sees anything they thing isn't accurate or correct, feel free to point it out; I'd like to make this fairly realistic. Thanks!

    January:Winkel Tripel Base for Global Maps precipitation cg.jpg

    July:Winkel Tripel Base for Global Maps july precipitation.jpg

  3. #23


    Sorry but it's a bit hard to read, what is low and high precipitation on your map?

  4. #24


    Whoops! It is a bit hard to read just because I wanted to include the wind, currents and pressure zones so people could check. The high and low precipitation zones are only on the land and high is in a dark blue (darker than low pressure zones, which extend over the oceans too), low is in yellow.

  5. #25
    Guild Journeyer Tiluchi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Davao, Philippines


    Making some good progress here! Have you consulted Azelor's climate tutorial? It's somewhat more detailed than the Climate Cookbook, though of course that entails a bit more work as well... It can be found here. I've used it for a previous world, and I highly recommend it!

  6. #26


    Thanks Tiluchi for the recommendation! I had sort of heard about it but didn’t check it out before; now I’ll be sure to check it out.

  7. #27


    Hey guys, I've been following Azelor's great tutorial to update, revise, and continue with the map (even though it has taken me a while with other stuff going on). Here's my temperature map for January:

    complete temp map jan cg post.jpg

    The colors refer to the same temperatures shown in the azelor tutorial. Thanks guys!

  8. #28
    Professional Artist Naima's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    The southern emisphere especially the left continent seems too arid , did you consider moisture brought by sea ?

  9. #29


    Thanks Naima; the map is only for temperature now, and not precipitation yet. It could be that proximity to the ocean could cool temperatures (and obviously bring in moisture), but Azelor didn't mention anything too specific about that. I'll look into it though, thanks.

  10. #30

    Wip Temperature Maps Complete!

    Hey everyone, I've finally completed the temperature maps for January and July! Next I'll be doing precipitation (following the Azelor tutorial); if anyone has suggestions or critique, feel free to let me know. Thanks!

    January Temperature Map for CG.jpg

    July Temperature Map for CG.jpg

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