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Thread: Village & similar drawings

  1. #31
    Guild Journeyer Chlodowech's Avatar
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    Default Eisenberg

    After quite a while it’s time to start a new place - the mining town of Eisenberg.

    Eisenberg is located at the foot of the mountains, at the top end of the valley in which Karnberg located as well. The town exists only due to one reason: Iron mining. This has led the town to massively grow and equally massively decline a few times during the last 200 years ( point of time is still 1500 AD). Currently, Eisenberg is in a phase of decline again, as the mining technology once again is insufficient to reach the deeper ore veins.

    The last peak of the development, which was about 50 years ago, has made the town very rich however, and furthermore attracted a lot of other businesses to supply the rich miners, and those have formed a relatively stable market town in the center of the mines, which reduces the economical consequences of the decline a bit.

    The visible result will be a rather scattered, unfortified town with a solid core town and the mining areas around, and furthermore a lot of unfinished buildings, which can’t be completed anymore due to the decline - this includes the parish church and a monastery.

    This is my first rough layout - if you have any questions or ideas, let me know:


  2. #32
    Guild Journeyer Chlodowech's Avatar
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    Default Research and a first rough 3D layout

    First of all, the layout of the town again, now on a larger piece of paper (A2) and in 3D.


    Then, as Eisenberg is a mining town, some research about medieval mining had to be done, as i gotta draw at least the overground structures related to it. Luckily i was able to find a number of excellent depictions of mining activities from the late 15th and early 16th century. Two of them are manuscript pages and originate from the bohemian silver mining town of Kutná Hora, the last one is an Altarpiece from Annaberg in the german region of Saxony. The following links will lead you to the documents:

    Kutná Hora, Document 1 (1490's)
    Kutná Hora, Document 2 (early 16th century)
    Annaberg, Altarpiece (1521)

    All three show basically the same - the mining and smelting process, and the production of the coins. The mining equipment used for it is also relatively similar. In each of the documents, three types of mineshafts were built, for the access of the mine (with a ladder), the transport of the material (with a winch) and for the ventilation (with a ventilation mechanic). All three of those can be covered by a building, but none of them needed to be. Other than that, some smelteries and similar buildings, and also the buildings of the mining authority seemed to have been nearby.

    In my case, there will be iron mining, which will obviously not end up in coin production, but rather in hammer mills, for tool production. Other than that, i can pretty much draw the mines as they were painted in those documents.

  3. #33
    Guild Apprentice Sulla's Avatar
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    This looks like a fascinating project. Where on the map will the mines go? I am assuming, like the original documents, underneath the "plan" of the city? I look forward to seeing the evolution of this project!
    Creator of Science Fiction and Other Suspect Ruminations (reviews of 1950s-1970s science fiction, adventures in cover and interior SF art, interviews)

  4. #34
    Guild Journeyer Chlodowech's Avatar
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    Regensburg, Germany


    Thanks Sulla, glad you like it!

    The mineshafts are mostly located at the edges of the town, and the mines belonging to them follow the ore veins, marked in blue on the tiny regional map below.


  5. #35


    Very nice map. I'm looking for a map artist. would love to see your portfolio

  6. #36
    Guild Novice
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    I really love your architecture style! I've been working on some maps that have the buildings drawn in and I'm not very good at getting the perspective right yet. Your buildings look so nice.

  7. #37


    it's looks really good, i like the long depth on it.

  8. #38
    Guild Journeyer Chlodowech's Avatar
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    Well, another few months have passed... right now i have some free time for map drawing, but i‘m really not in the mood for something really tedious - something like Eisenberg, with tons of details that need a lot of research and which implied a complicated perspective.

    Instead i‘ll start another town. It’s gonna be a location within the region that i‘ve sketched a long time ago (on page 2), but once again i haven’t got a name for it yet (feel free to propose names if you have any ideas). It’s gonna be at the conjunction of two rivers, or rather on a rocky outcrop high above it. The very peak of the rock will be taken by the castle and the dense and walled core town will be adjacent to it. There will also be a lower town down at the river and partly along the roads leading up the hill, but i have not yet thought about its shape or any specific features of it.


  9. #39

  10. #40
    Guild Expert Adfor's Avatar
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    Western Pennsylvania


    How about Lumdenshadt, one that came to me while putting in some Skyrim time. Love the layout so far.



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