
I managed to get a decent pallette and made terrain brushes for Tiled in GIMP. Tiled is great for campaign maps and roll20 since I can flat out set the grid to 50x50, 70px.
The downside is, it's easy to make colours seamless. Terrain not so much. I tried making a proper map in GIMP (and it looked alright mind you, until I got to the mountains) Making a map in GIMP
isn't difficult until you get to the features. I'm no artist, and mountains look good just doesn't seem to be my thing, even following a few tutorials around here.
At any rate, this is the map of the region my current game I'm DMing is taking place, I whipped it up last night in Tiled in like 10 minutes, after fighting for like 3 all-nighters with GIMP.