I like the book and series, but i also feel like this map was covered already by many good artist. That kind of challange is too specific and for real GOT mianiac lovers only.
I am not saying no to the challange, Maybe there will be enough people having fun with this, but personally i would pass.

Quote Originally Posted by Falconius
The features, the plainness, the blockiness of the landmass. It's clearly a land made up of deus ex machina conveniences to serve the story, which is fine, but it makes for an ugly map, especially when so clearly just hacked together. The worst of them by far is Westoros but the lands to the east aren't much better. I've also seen some really well done examples of GOT maps, but putting lipstick on a pig doesn't make it any less of a pig.
I think it's a bit too harsh to say that, but i understand and respect your opinion.
Maps don't have to be pretty. They are representation of a land that formed over the course of milliard years. Due to various factors the land is shaped in unexpected way, sometimes even unbelievable (just because we don't understand how it was formed). People are so prone to say, "that dosen't exist" just because they have never seen it before. Our experience in lands formation ends on Earth and couple images from other close solar system planets. Considering whole space out there... that is pretty small knowledge.

In addition as always in FANTASY world maps dragons and magic are always fine, but a river going upstream is not. i really don't understand the logic here