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Thread: Viewer for CC3+ Maps

  1. #1

    Help Viewer for CC3+ Maps

    A friend has asked me to make a map for his wargames campaign. I normally use CC3+ and he is not a user of Campaign Cartographer at all. I have advised him to obtain a copy of the CC3 viewer so he can see the map I am working on at various stages. Unfortunately, my CC3+ map does not seem to load into the viewer. Is there a viewer for CC3+ or is there some way I can convert my CC3+ map to be compatible? I am using bitmap tiles as fills for various areas on the map. and these just show up as red crosses when I put the map into CC3 (as opposed to CC3+). If I try to "Find" the CC3+ bitmaps to place them into CC3, the programme crashes.

    I know I can render the map as a graphics file and send him that but I never find the resolution to be as good - the definition on magnification/zoom-in deteriorates. What's my best approach?

  2. #2
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    The High Desert


    Sadly, the current viewer doesn't support all of the features of the CC3+ format (the biggest missing feature is the notion of @ paths vs. # paths, I think). If folks were asking for it, ProFantasy might consider issuing a new version or possibly (maybe, someday) support export to a format like SVG that will allow the browser to do the rendering, or possibly even (even further out there) making a file format that allows packaging all of the elements for a drawing together into a single file. I am told that things are a little bottlenecked on the software development side for them at the moment, though, so there may not be much that can be done about the situation in the short term.

  3. #3


    Thanks, waldronate. I feared that might be the answer although PF do say on their viewer blurb that it now supports CC3+ files. I have switched for this project to working with CC3 rather than CC3+ and that seems to have worked although I had to start from scratch with a new version of the map.

    I can see that a new viewer would not be a major priority for PF - especially as it's currently a free download and PF are a business, after all. My current work around seems to have addressed the problem, so I can manage OK; I just have to remember to fire up CC3 rather than CC3+ .

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